Outreach Activities
Here you can find the list of project outputs such as talks, media features and external blog posts.
For published research, please view the list of publications.
For recent project updates, please visit the AIGA blog.
- University of Turku 27.8.2020: Turun yliopiston johtamalle konsortiolle miljoonarahoitus tekoälyn hallintamallien tutkimukseen (in Finnish).
- Loihde Advisory 14.9.2022: Loihde panostaa turvallisen ja vastuullisen tekoälyn kasvattamiseen (in Finnish).
- University of Turku 4.10.2022: Suomalaisyrityksille kilpailukykyä vastuullisesta tekoälystä (in Finnish).
- Anthropology + Technology Conference 2020. Workshop on “Sustainable AI and stratified analysis of AI’s social impact”, run by Solita’s Anna Metsäranta, Anni Ojajärvi, Antti Rannisto and Lasse Girs.
- MIT CDOIQ 2021 web conference. Panel on “Building Trust in Personal Data Sharing across Data Spaces” moderated by Siili Solutions’ Sami Laine. Click to view the panel members.
- Response-ability Summit 2021. Workshop on “Using Speculative Design to Shape Preferable Futures” by Siili Solutions’ Sanna Vainionpää, Promila Roydchoudhury-Koho and Andrea Vianello. Click here to view the recorded workshop.
- AI Nordic 2021 Deepdive (AI Business Strategies 2021). Side talk/workshop on “How to design and develop Trustworthy AI – The role of Explainable AI (XAI)” by Siili Solutions’ Promila Roychoudhury-Koho and Andrea Vianello.
- A meeting of minds – designing the AI of the future by Service Design Network 29.9.2022. Seminar/workshop on “Should we trust AI” by Siili Solutions’ Simon Robson and Andrea Vianello.
- Response-ability Summit 2021. Talk by Antti Rannisto (Solita) on “Getting along with algorithms”
- 20th IFIP Conference e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society 2021. Presentation by Matti Minkkinen (University of Turku) on “Towards Ecosystems for Responsible AI”. Click here to view the recorded presentation or read the AIGA blog post.
- Teknologiateollisuus ry Seminar 2021. Presentation by Tuomas Granlund and Antti Rannisto (Solita) on “Trust for AI – human-machine interaction and cybersecurity”.
- International Conference on Information Systems 2021 (ICIS 2021). Presentation by Akseli Seppälä (University of Turku) on “From Ethical Principles to Governed AI”. Click here to view the recorded presentation or read the AIGA blog post.
- “Huippuseminaari” web conference organized by Sytyke ry 2021 (in Finnish). Presentation by Sami Laine (Siili Solutions) on “Miten tehdä tekoälystä luotettava: hyödyllinen, eettinen, lainmukainen ja auditoitava?”.
- Haaga-Helia’s AI-TIE project “Tekoäly töissä” webinar series 2021 (in Finnish). Presentation by Sami Laine (Siili Solutions) on “TRUSTWORTHY AI: An approach to increase AI adoption and shared value”. In collaboration with My Data Global ry.
- AI & Business Strategies web conference 2021. Presentation by Sami Laine (Siili Solutions) on “Trustworthy AI: An approach to increase AI adoption and shared value”. Click here to view the recorded presentation.
- “Explaining AI” guest lecture by Sami Laine (Siili Solutions) for Lappeenranta University of Technology 2022.
- NATO von Karman Horizon Scanning AI workshop 2022. Presentation by Anna Metsäranta (Solita) on “Future enablers of sustainable AI”.
- HiPEAC Computing Systems Week Tampere 2022. Presentation by Jarkko Malviniemi (Siili Solutions) on “Designing human-centred and trustworthy AI solutions”. Click here to view the recorded presentation.
- Sytyke ry Huippuseminaari 9.9.2022. Presentation by Sami Laine (Siili Solutions) on “Tekoälyn hallintamallit: Vastuullisuus pitää rakentaa osaksi toimintaa ideasta toiminnan alasajoon asti.” (In Finnish.)
- 3 presentations on the AI and Business Strategies 2022 web conference (7.10.2022):
– Saara Hyönen (DAIN Studios): “Responsible AI”. Click here to view the recorded presentation.
– Sami Laine (Siili Solutions): “From Model-Centric to Data-Centric AI: Practical steps to business relevant AI”. Click here to view the recorded presentation.
– Anna Metsäranta (Solita): “State of Sustainable AI in 2022”. Click here to view the recorded presentation.
- “How to build an AI-ready organization and why you will soon be forced to?”, a blog post by Nino Ilveskero (Loihde Advisory) 31.3.2021. Click here to read the blog post on company web page (also available on the AIGA blog).
- “Authority is increasingly expressed automatically”, a blog post by Manu Setälä and Antti Rannisto (Solita) 4.5.2021. Click here to read the blog post on company web page (also available on the AIGA blog).
- “Explainable NLP with Attention”, a blog post by Ville Laurikari (Zefort) 11.2.2022. Click here to read the blog post on company web page (also available on the AIGA blog).
- “The Siili way to AI – responsible and human-centered”, a blog post by Andrea Vianello, Elsa Tuomi and Simon Robson (Siili Solutions) 24.3.2022. Click here to read the blog post on company web page.
- “Defining organizational AI governance”, a research summary by Matti Mäntymäki (University of Turku). Published on the Montreal AI Ethics Institute website 19.6.2022. Click here to read the text.
- “The EU edges closer to regulating AI applications deemed high risk”, a blog post by Saara Hyvönen and Patrick Qvick (DAIN Studios) 5.7.2022. Click here to read the blog post on company web page.
- “Fair and explainable AI: measuring fairness in automated decision-making”, a blog post by Máté Váradi (DAIN Studios) 16.8.2022. Click here to read the blog post on company web page.
- “Oppiva järjestelmä ei voi kantaa virkavastuuta” [in Finnish], a column by Nino Ilveskero (Loihde Advisory) in Tivi Magazine 31.10.2022 and Loihde Advisory blog 22.8.2022. Click here to read the post on company web page.
- “A bottom-up approach to designing trustworthy AI solutions”, a blog post by Andrea Vianello, Sami Laine and Simon Robson (Siili Solutions) 30.8.2022. Click here to read the post on company web page.
- A series of DATAVERSITY blog posts by Saara Hyvönen (DAIN Studios):
1. “Angles of AI Ethics” 21.12.2021. Click here to read.
2. “AI Ethics: Risk and Opportunity” 23.2.2022. Click here to read.
3. “AI Ethics in Action: Making the Black Box Transparent” 9.5.2022. Click here to read.
4. “The Future of AI Ethics – AI Apocalypse or Robot Rights?” 5.8.2022. Click here to read.
- “Trustworthy AI & Data Ethics”, Sami Laine (Siili Solutions) in MetaDAMA Podcast by DAMA Norway 15.12.2021. Click here to listen the podcast.
- Tivi magazine 23.3.2021: Tekoälylle tehdään ”gdpr:t”? Hallintamalli asettaisi algoritmeille vaatimuksia (in Finnish, for subscribers only). Sami Masala from Loihde Advisory Interviewed for the article.
- YLE 18.11.2021: Leiki tekoälyn kehittäjää ja luo tasa-arvoista algoritmia – Tekoälysovellus arvioi, kuka on paras työnhakija, mutta voi suosia naisvaltaisella alalla naista. Mika Viljanen, Matti Minkkinen and Tinja Pitkämäki from the University of Turku interviewed for the interactive article.
- Sytyke magazine 1/2022 (pages 12-15): Projektien resursointia tekoälyavusteisesti. An article by Siili Solutions’ Sami Laine (in Finnish).
- HS Visio 11.4.2022: Tikittävä tekoälypommi. Solita’s Anna Metsäranta and UTU’s Teemu Birkstedt were interviewed for the article. (Article in Finnish and behind a paywall.)
- Aurora Magazine 27.4.2022: Artificial Intelligence is Deciding for Us. Matti Mäntymäki, Mika VIljanen and Matti Minkkinen from the University of Turku were interviewed for the article.
- Tivi magazine 21.9.2022: Dataops syöttää bisnekselle bensaa – ”johdon pitäisi aidosti edellyttää päätösten perustelua datalla” (in Finnish, for subscribers only). Researchers from the University of Helsinki interviewed for the article.
- Helsingin Sanomat 6.11.2022: Nato avaa suomalaisyrityksille uuden markkinan (in Finnish). Solita’s Anna Metsäranta interviewed for the article.