AI Governance Bulletin 7/2021

String light with blue light bulbs

The bulletin features the latest news, events and initiatives linking to AI governance. We post weekly highlights to showcase the range of activities around AIGA’s core themes: explainability, transparency, system design and commercialization of responsible AI.

  • The University of Oxford has established an Institute for Ethics in AI. As a part of the official launch, a live event was held on Tuesday 16th February.

    Read more about the Institute for Ethics in AI:
    Watch the recording of the event:

  • The New Yorker has published a long article “Who should stop unethical A.I.?” by Matthew Hutson (15.2.2021). The writer presents different scenarios where the ethicality of an AI application has been questioned. He also seems to be asking, whether different ethical standards apply for research and industry and what this means for whistleblowers. In the article, Michael Kearns, a computer scientist at the University of Pennsylvania, states that the regulatory agencies supervising private companies “don’t understand the technologies that they’re regulating anymore, or its uses, and they have no means of auditing it.”

    Read more: